Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Hillary Smillary

I've been thinking about all this pre-election stuff and the hope of a new president with an insightful approach to refresh America.

Then, I look at how we're allowing the press to narrow down our candidates to the chosen few "legitimates" as our voting options.

I wish more people were, to thine own selves true," thus, acting more bravely and insightfully than what we've been seeing presenting at the voting polls.

We cry out for changes, yet, we don't select the candidates different enough to present us with radical shifts for the changes we NEED to have happen if we are going to successfully resolve our current state of troubled affairs.

I am not talking radical* politics which is a game itself, I am talking, sincere changes that cut at the root of our problems and stop hacking away at the branches which simply cripples us and destroys our beauty as a nation.

Consider all the hub-bub over Hillary.

Do you like the current state of affairs of our health care? Is your insurance coverage and choice of doctors as good as it was prior to health care "reform" and the discovery of HMO's? Do you like having to go to an assigned doctor who acts as your gatekeeper that you have to get his permission to get the care you want??

My answers to these questions in order of being asked
"NO, absolutely not!"

Has everyone forgotten that Hillary was a driving force in creating our presently "hated" health insurance improvements???!!

Remember, this loss of health care in the name of "More for Less," "ensuring all Americans receive quality, affordable health care" and "Choices," was largely spearheaded by Hillary Clinton in her husband's years. [I don't think she should legally be allowed to run for office since she was "in the back office" influencing policy when her husband, Bill, was in office. AH, another topic, another day.]

She's back parroting the same 'ole same 'ole (I grabbed these quotes from her campaigning) and expecting different results. Isn't that the definition of insanity?

Why would we consider selecting the insane for our president? I am amazed at our lack of will to save ourselves with wise choices of our own choosing and not "precious sweethearts" of the presses choosing.

The pattern has repeated enough in my lifetime to be apparent, so why are we pretending "the same is different?" I ask this question sincerely and honestly, hoping to hear answers that make sense and are founded in realistic expectations.

"Hillary introduces the American Health Choices Plan, which will ensure all Americans receive quality, affordable health care." WAKE UP, Hillary is the one who was a driving force that delivered us into the medical hell we endure today.

And, now she dares to add the force of Mandatory to her proposals; this is going to force the lowest common denominator downward, and if you think it sucks now, well, YOU Ain't Seen Nothing YET!

What sane thought pattern thinks the same person, saying the same things she said before, with the same ideas (in essence), is going to make the changes we need with the same agenda!!!? LET'S GET REAL BEFORE IT IS TOO LATE.

I do not understand why the American people don't think for themselves and stop shooting themselves in their own foot. We need to stop Hurting Ourselves, don't you think?

We DO HAVE SANE choices* reflecting some very wise thinking from those with experience, albeit they are despised by the press and denied a fair hearing, but, we DO HAVE the INTERNET* and access to that which is being denied us.

Maybe enough people will shake the tiredness out of their bones, and the cobwebs out of their busy minds, and give a gander to the power of a single vote, YOURS, and vote your conscience, and not "who you think has a chance" because that is the apathy the "powers that be" hope we will succumb to when we pick up our pen and make our stroke for president.

That, by the way, is our empowerment as our Founding Fathers' envisioned it to be!

And, think about it, our greatest Hope for CHANGES we DO want is in OUR VOTING for the candidates the popular press has occluded from our public sight in hopes we won't vote for those we don't see on TV. What is that all about anyway?

How can they get away with denying legitimate candidates debate time, etc.? This is a question I think we need to give more attention to, too.

I say, "Hillary smillary, go away, and don't come back another day!"

I cannot personally afford any more of your pollution solutions. Your first solution to save me, poisoned me and most everyone I know.

I've had enough. Your first foist of health care reform upon me has not blessed me one iota. It has robbed me of my most precious of all - my choices and quality of care, AND, the sting of it is ongoing!"

That's my concern and Wake-Up Call for today.

All to Love,
LINKS: radical*
radical politics*
We DO HAVE SANE choices*

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